
5 Things to Consider When Buying a Camping Mattress

5 Things to Consider When Buying a Camping Mattress

Nothing refreshes our minds better than spending quality time in the outdoors. The beauty of the woods and the excitement of interacting with nature have the majestic ability to create a feeling of serenity.

But it’s not all rosy.

You’re in the woods, right? That means you’ll have to contend with bugs not to forget the annoying whining sound of mosquitoes that can keep you awake all night.

But the one thing that can give you a truly gruesome experience is sleeping in a bad camping mattress. Not only can a bad camping mattress induce fatigue but it can also negatively impact your health.

That’s why it’s important to pay more attention to the type and quality of the sleeping pad you bring along. But how do you ensure you have packed the right camping mattress? Here are the 4 things to consider when shopping for a camping mattress.

1. Construction and Ability to Pack

Construction is a key consideration when buying a camping mattress.

While the best mattresses come built with state-of-the-art materials to ensure comfort and durability, the same cannot be said for camping mattresses. When it comes to camping mattresses, portability is key.

Picture this. How will you bring your gear to the camping site? Even if you’re packing everything in a car, you may have to trek to the camping site.

As such, a light camping mattress is the better option and your back will thank you for it. If your camping site requires some trekking, you may want to buy a thin roll up foam mattress, as these ones are portable and easy to pack and carry around.

2. Mattress Size

Tents come in different sizes. It’s important to check the size of your tent before buying a camping mattress.

Ideally, look for an air mattress that will easily fit in your tent and give you room to move around. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you’ve lugged your sleeping pad all the way to the camping site only to realize it doesn’t fit.

3. R-Value

While browsing for camping pads, you’ll often come across the terms “R-Value” with a number assigned to each pad.

What does the R-Value mean?

“R” stands for resistance. The R-Value, in this context, refers to the ability of the pad to provide resistance against cold air and the ground. Considering that you’ll be spending the night in the cold and on the ground, the R-Value is a factor you cannot ignore.

The higher the R-Value, the warmer the mattress. As such, it’s better to go for an option with a higher value, especially if you’re susceptible to harsh weather. It’s also important to consider the season when you’re going camping. If you plan to go camping in winter, consider an air mattress with an R-Value of 5.

4. Mattress Comfort  

Of course, sleeping when camping isn’t going to as cozy as sleeping on your bed. But that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort.

Camping mattresses come in different shapes and sizes. The build quality also differs from one air mattress to the other. Sleeping pads are usually dense and lightweight. If comfort is your top priority, go for a hybrid option that incorporates both the foam and inflatable mattress at the top.  

We hope these tips will help you make a more informed decision when buying a camping mattress. Feel free to comment and share.

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