
7 Easy-to-Follow Social Media Strategies fort Travel Bloggers

7 Easy-to-Follow Social Media Strategies fort Travel Bloggers

Hey you all digital nomads! Are you ready to take your social media strategy to the next level? Managing a travel blog is surely a fascinating endeavor, but popularizing it might be a challenge. The easiest way to grow your audience is to excel at your social media campaigns. 

You don’t know where to start? Let us be your guide on the journey towards popularizing your brand, you’ll learn a lot of valuable insights on how to creatively manage your social media account. Are you ready to dive in?

Politely Steal Some Audience

Everyone has to start from somewhere, right? If you are reading this the chances are that you are in the beginning of your career as a travel blogger or you are simply not satisfied with how things are at the current moment as it comes to social media following. 

There is a fine, and pretty fair way to ‘borrow’ other travel bloggers’ audience, at least for a while. Usually travel bloggers love sharing their stories, take advantage of this common trait of theirs and invite a fellow blogger for an interview. 

Their audience won’t miss a chance to watch/read your discussion, so you’ll get both great content to feature on your social media profile and a boost in the number of readers. Who knows where this can take you – if you play your cards right – that travel blogger’s followers might like you and start following you just as well. 

Delegate Power to your Audience

Having already added some figures to your followers count maybe it’s time to think a bit on how to engage your audience and how to convert them into loyal friends of yours. The best way to achieve that is to make them feel that they have certain control and power. In this case what you can do is poll your followers as to which destination you should plan on visiting next. Let them vote on your list of places or, if you feel a bit more adventurous, let them suggest destinations of their own. 

By letting your followers have a voice of their own and by making them feel heard and their opinion appreciated you are actually pampering them as if they are a small kid. In return they would most probably feel closer to you and the bond between you as a brand and them as your fans will grow stronger.

Give Your Followers a Chance to Express Themselves

Тo further expand on the tip from above, let’s go a step further and encourage your audience to actively participate on your social media page. User generated content could do miracles in terms of traction so make sure you adopt tactics to motivate your followers to share their stories whether written or as images or short videos on your page. 

For instance, after you’ve posted on your latest travel adventure you might invite your followers to share their personal experience at that particular location, to give their own review and impression. Quickly the tread will grow into a loud discussion and that would be amazing, right? Having your social media page has a live of its own, freeing you from the obligation to pull the strings of it 24/7 is somewhat liberating, isn’t it? 

Planning Could Be Just as Interesting as the Journey Itself

Don’t fall for the misconception that your followers are there only to skim through fancy images of you posing at waterfalls, deserts, or hanging on the rim of a cliff. Usually your fans are there to hear about new exotic and strange places, alright, but they are also trying to figure out how they could replicate your successful journey. 

By offering them guidance on how to book plane tickets at a deal, or where they could find an affordable hotel, or how to prioritize the sights they are to include in their travel agenda even, you’d be considered a valuable source of info that would be often referred to, quoted and revisited. 

Make Someone a Favor, Make Yourself Noticed

It is pretty important that your blog gets seen and mentioned online, right? But how you can easily achieve that? By doing the same thing in return, of course! 

Go over the travel bloggers that have covered a topic you’ve recently written about and give them a shout. If you refer to their article in your blog post and then, again on Social Media, they’d most definitely  notice you. As a favor they could decide to return the gesture, or, even better, they could get in touch and introduce themselves. 

It is a win-win situation actually: you both get to show your fans additional info that is of value to them, and you get the chance to be referred by a bigger ‘influencer’ in your niche. 

Did we manage to get you inspired already? Test new things, and you’ll see what best works for you and your audience. Make sure to adapt the above-listed strategies to your own plan and followers. Don’t copy a technique unless you really believe in it, but above all try to be creative and have fun while on it! And now buckle your seatbelts and let your Social Media optimization journey begin!

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Scoop Sky is a blog with all the enjoyable information on many subjects, including fitness and health, technology, fashion, entertainment, dating and relationships, beauty and make-up, sports and many more.

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