
Google search on mobile is getting a redesign


Google is redesigning how search results look on mobile, the company announced in a blog on Friday. “We wanted to take a step back to simplify a bit so people could find what they’re looking for faster and more easily,” Aileen Cheng, who led the redesign, said in the blog.

The redesign will have larger and bolder text that’s intended to be easier to scan quickly, and you’ll see more of Google’s font in results. Search results will also take up more of the width of your screen, thanks in part to reduced shadows. Google also says the redesign will use color “more intentionally” to help highlight important information without being distracting.

To get an idea of how the redesign differs from the current experience, compare this render of the redesign with a screenshot of the current search experience I took from my iPhone 12 mini.

Image: Google

Screenshot by Jay Peters / The Verge

It looks like the new design puts more information higher up the page and reduces some visual clutter, which will hopefully make results easier to parse without forcing you to scroll down too far to find what you’re looking for.

Google says the redesign will roll out in the coming days.


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