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Swap Mindless Scrolling for These Satisfying Cleaning Tasks

There’s plenty of good advice available about how to stop procrastinating (and apps that can help too!) but you’ll probably never completely eradicate it from your life. Redirecting your energy into something positive can help that time from being a waste—and leave you feeling better overall. While procrastibaking has gotten a lot of attention recently, cleaning as procrastination is a classic way to channel time into productivity. In a 2011 study, Stanford researchers found that visual clutter made it significantly harder for subjects to complete tasks—so when you need a break, instead of doomscrolling the internet, clearing out the sink could be considered a step toward hitting your deadline.

Cleaning can also be a stress reducer, putting you in a better state of mind to complete that spreadsheet or run your errands. But the last thing you need when escaping is a cleaning distraction that ends up being just as frustrating. Scotch-Brite™ products are designed to work quickly and effectively, so your cleaning goes smoothly. Here are some handy cleaning swaps to turn to the next time you hit a to-do list wall.

Stop Posting and Start Sudsing

Social media can be a fun way to keep up with friends, but anyone with an Instagram account knows it can also lead to anxiety. When you feel the urge to check your feed for the fifth time, put down your phone and reach for your dishwashing gloves. A recent Mindfulness study discovered that washing dishes with intention resulted in a decrease in nerves and overall more positive outlook for participants—plus, you’ll have one less chore to tackle when dinnertime comes around.

Task Tips

    • Pre-soak pans in hot water to help unstick big messes.
    • Dry glassware with a soft, clean cloth to avoid those annoying streaks.
    • Use Scotch-Brite® Advanced Scrub Dots Non Scratch Scrubbers, which make quick work of things like eggs and cheese, and rinse clean afterwards.

      Scotch-Brite® Advanced Scrub Dots Non-Scratch

      Swap News-Bingeing for De-Cluttering

      It’s important to stay informed, but once you’ve checked into current events for the day, constantly refreshing your favorite news site is one of the most stress-inducing midday breaks you can take. Instead, give your eyes a screen break, get on your feet, and do a living room sweep.

      Task Tips

      • Put obviously out-of-place items where they belong—books go on the shelf, throw pillows get placed back on the couch, and clothing should go in the closet or laundry room.
      • Wipe down surfaces like mantels, windowsills, and shelves that tend to collect dust.
      • Don’t worry about breaking out the vacuum. A quick pass of the Scotch-Brite™ 50% Stickier Lint Roller makes quick work of visible lint or pet hair.

        Scotch-Brite™ 50% Stickier Lint Roller

        Replace Streaming with Bathroom Scrubbing

        It can be hard to resist catching up on your favorite show, especially when the alternative is paying bills. But pressing play is a slippery slope that can lead to hours of lost time, and that groggy feeling that comes from staring at your TV during the day. Get your blood flowing and your tile sparkling with some needed TLC instead.

        Task Tips

        • Collect all of your used towels and bathmat and toss them in the laundry—replacing everything at once will make a huge difference.
        • Clean your mirror—it will reflect more light and give you a whole new outlook (literally!).
        • Use a tile-safe scrubber (try the Scotch-Brite® Swift Scrub Bathroom Buildup Remover!) to cut through soap scum and shampoo residue quickly, and without the need for harsh chemicals.

          Save This Guide for When You Need a Visual Reminder

          cleaning swaps

          Jesse Mumford

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