Makeup & Beauty

What Currently on Your Beauty To-Do List?

You know I love a list.

Girlfriend, you know I love me some lists.

I’m the type of person who writes a list of all the lists I need to make, LOL! At any given time, I’ve got at least five lists going.

There’s something about the process of getting it all out of my head and writing it down, and then organizing it in a way that makes sense to me, that I really enjoy. I guess I’m a freak show like that, ha!

Today, I wrote a beauty to-do list.

Beauty to-do list

  • Get a haircut. I need one desperately. My hair’s getting heavy again, and it’s giving me headaches. BOO!
  • Find a new shampoo and conditioner. I recently bought some things from Function of Beauty to try, and unfortunately it’s not working out. My ends are hella dry, ugh! So now, I’m contemplating going back to my old school hair love, Bumble & Bumble, or trying a different “clean” hair line called Innersense.
  • Research Innersense products. Fun fact — they’re based out of the Bay Area.
  • Rectify upper lip and brow situation. Once again, I am suddenly a sasquatch, and it happened seemingly overnight.
  • Wash a few brushes. I have a few retractable brushes by Chanel which I love! I’m going on a trip soon and they need a good cleaning.

What’s on your beauty to-do list? You can list the things you need to do, or products and brands you’d like to research, or things you need to restock… Write it all down in the comments!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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