Health & Fitness

4 Effective Techniques To Make Hydrating a Habit

Did you know that the human body is 60 percent water? The simple truth is that water is present in every cell of your body. It is an essential part of the process of carrying nutrients into cells and removing toxins from them. Water even carries the toxins out of the body via urine and feces.

Once you realize how important water is then two things become clear:

  1. Water Quality Matters

If water is essential to your ongoing health then it becomes essential that you get the best quality water. This, and concerns over what is in the water from your faucet, is why many people are looking to the specialists in water filters Australia and adding filtration systems to their homes.

  1. You Need To Hydrate

As well as getting the quality right, you need to start hydrating on a regular basis. This will ensure you always have enough water in your body. Don’t forget you lose water all the time, it needs to stay topped up.

Effective Techniques To Stay Hydrated

The good news is there are 4 simple things you can do to make hydrating a habit.

  1. Drink before eating

A great way to encourage water consumption and stay hydrated is to get in the habit of drinking a small glass of water before you eat. This simple trick quickly becomes a habit and helps you to stay hydrated.

It has the added benefit of partially filling your stomach, reducing the amount of food you need to eat. This can help to control your weight.

  1. Carry water with you

One of the simplest techniques to help you stay hydrated is to carry water with you. It is important to use a bottle that is designed to be refilled as this will prevent chemicals from leaching into the water.

If you have water with you all the time you can sip it whenever you want and you will consume more water than you think, helping you to stay hydrated every day.

  1. Event reminders

To help ensure you drink water regularly set a reminder on your phone. Ideally, you should set one to remind you every hour. This will prompt you to drink some water. It won’t take long for this to become a habit, simply follow the event reminder for 2-4 weeks, and then you’ll find you are doing it without even thinking about it.

  1. Add some flavor

It is understandable that drinking water all the time can be frustrating or even boring. However, staying hydrated doesn’t mean you have to drink just plain water. You can mix it up a bit by adding fruit to the water. This infuses it, giving it a different taste and making it more appealing.

But, because it is fruit, you’re not introducing sugars and other unhealthy additives that you get when you consume soda.

It takes less time than you think to build a habit and it is surprisingly difficult to break it. A little effort today will pay off in the long term and help to maintain your health.


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