Health & Fitness

7 Big Cannabis Trends to Watch for in 2022

Marijuana has gradually become more on the scene in the United States in recent years. There has been an uptick in the number of dispensaries open around the entire country and there also is a great deal more to look forward to in this area. The following are the emerging trends for this year that already have begun as well as some that have yet to unravel. Be sure to look out for some or all of these in your local area.

Marijuana Going Mainstream

A growing number of celebrities and other people of influence now champion the use of marijuana. In the most recent Gallup survey, it shows that there’s a record high number of Americans who are in support of legalization. In fact, around 68 percent of the US population supports legalization whereas only 34 percent were in support at the turn of the century.

An Increase in Research

Many Americans are calling for research on marijuana regarding its effects and benefits. This is a tricky matter, since the federal government still has marijuana listed as a Schedule I illegal drug. At this time, they are only allowing the University of Mississippi to conduct the official research into marijuana. Since the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is moving forward this year on their plan to grant more licenses to suppliers to grow research cannabis at potency levels comparable to cannabis that people are buying in dispensaries.

More Interest in Delta-8 THC

There are some people who would prefer a milder experience with their marijuana. That is entirely possible with products that contain Delta-8 THC, since many who use these products report that they have a less intensive and smoother all around experience with it. This is in contrast to Delta-9 THC that’s found in many of the products out there. The best way to describe Delta-8 THC is that its intensity level falls in between Delta-9 THC and CBD, which contains little to no THC in it.

A Clear Outlook for Workers

Since the use of cannabis is now more widespread, employers have a growing number of concerns and questions regarding what is and isn’t allowed when it comes to testing employees for marijuana use. HR departments are dealing with much the same issue as they determine what if any action should be taken when employees’ tests come up positive for marijuana use. We may end up seeing court cases when people are fired since there isn’t as much clarity in the legislation and policies in the workplace reflect that.

Edibles and Similar Products Gain in Popularity

Though the flower itself still is the biggest seller in the industry, there are many other options that have become popular over the last few years. The 2022 projected “sales by product” from the Marijuana Business Daily indicate that there are more individuals who now purchase these alternatives to the marijuana flower. Vape pens are the second most popular at $6.5 billion in sales, then edibles come in at $3 billion, and pre-rolls and concentrates are next at $2.8 billion.

Consumption Lounges

Would you believe that there may be a place you can kick back with friends and enjoy smoking or otherwise ingesting cannabis coming to your area? We’re sure to see a rise in the prevalence of consumption lounges. People who live in apartment buildings and public housing where cannabis use is prohibited should have more places to partake without having to worry. The experiential side of marijuana use is becoming a focus with art shows and other physical programming where people can sit or walk around and use their product of choice. It really is a great thing to be able to get back to the communal aspect of cannabis and that’s what we’ll definitely see more of this year.

Building of Brands

Now that there will be more products on the shelves, it’s more important than ever that growers make a strong effort to build their brands. They’ll need to market in a way that is eye-catching and informative, making it clear that it’s for the legal market. This marketing can be fun, but it also needs to be professional. This way, a larger number of people going into dispensaries and stores are sure to be drawn to your product than ever before. You will make an impression and stand a good chance at building on this success.

A Final Note

Not all of these trends are set in stone. There may be more of a focus on one or two of these while the others are lagging behind for one reason or another. The only thing that remains clear is that cannabis is here to stay. More people than ever are bound to see the potential of cannabis use as well as the value of selling cannabis products in their stores. You can find dispensaries with ease by visiting


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