
8 Eco-Friendly Certifications for Gardening Wildlife Lovers


A Certified Wildlife Habitat is a special place. It’s a place that has been recognized as having the food, water, cover, and nesting areas required for birds, butterflies, and other local wildlife to thrive. Gaining eco-friendly certification is just an official stamp of approval on your effort, so why not work with an organization you trust and get your wildlife garden certified?

What Does it Mean to Have a Certified Wildlife Habitat?

Most gardeners love to include native plants in their backyard landscape to host local wildlife. I know I do; nothing brings me more joy. But at times I have had lots of questions about how to make things safe for birds or attractive for butterflies or other pollinators. Getting a backyard habitat certification is one way to be sure that you aren’t forgetting something essential. It also opens up a community of knowledge that can help you to help your wildlife.


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