Makeup & Beauty

Checking In – Makeup and Beauty Blog


Yesterday’s work view!

Good morning and happy Tuesday! Check this view out…

I love the curve of the staircase against the blue sky.

Gorgeous, right? It was my office for the day yesterday. We had an in-person meeting for work, and it was held at a beautiful spot in Mill Valley in southern Marin county.

I had to give a presentation in the afternoon, and gasp! I actually did my hair and put on makeup, but because I was doing last-minute prep all morning long, I forgot to take pictures of myself. *shrugs*

The presentation went OK, by the way. It was interactive and my co-worker and I used candy to bribe people into participating! Worked like a charm, so yay for Starbursts and Hershey’s Kisses.

I have to admit, it was weird as hell to be in the same room with all the people I’ve been chatting with on video calls for the last few months. The camera doesn’t really show you how tall or short people are, or how they move and walk and sit. Even though it’s been so long since the lockdown of 2020, I think I’m still experiencing the effects of not really being around people for the last couple years.

Anywho, thanks for listening to me prattle on about work.

On another note, El Hub dragged me and Connor to a sporting goods store last weekend, and while he spent an inordinate time looking at fishing gear, I took pics of all the things on the shelves that I’ve never seen before, like these individual pickles in a bag.

Um, am I the only person who didn’t know such a thing existed? What a time to be alive!

Other interesting items…

A powder made specifically for preventing sweat and friction on your bum.

I kind of love how the cartoon monkey is wearing a single strand of pearls, LOL!

There were unusual things for guys, too, like beer soap.

Oh, and do you know what horehound hard candy tastes like? I have no idea.

I have to admit that I was intrigued by this portable potty system for ladies. As a woman who always needs to use the bathroom at the most inopportune times, this gadget appeals to me.

If you’ve actually tried this and liked it, let me know! I would buy it if a friend vouched for it.

This afternoon, I’m going to get a haircut. My last one was in August, and this mane is heavy, man! I’m still not exactly sure what I’m going to do, but I’m going to get some length removed, and maybe some long bangs… I still don’t know. I’ll probably end up with something shoulder length with layers. Long hair works for me, but when it’s as long as it is right now, I feel like I look witchy, but not in a cool Stevie Nicks kind of way, ha ha.

Building those happiness muscles, day five

It’s been a couple days since my last happiness check in. For day five, the two things I’m grateful for are 1) the sweet sounds of birds singing outside my window in the morning (it’s a lovely alarm clock), and 2) homemade avocado sushi after a long day.


Please feel free to share yours in the comments.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict



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