Makeup & Beauty

Happy Friday! Sunscreen, Essie Glitters, the CVS Coupon Skinny and $5 Bike Shorts from Old Navy

Girl, first off, happy Friday. It’s a hot one here in Northern California, which is why 1) I’ve spent the morning looking for shorts (hello $5 jersey bike shorts from Old Navy), and 2) I went to CVS to buy sunscreen. While I was there I had the most enlightening chat about sunscreen with another sun protection enthusiast! Gotta love those random beauty chats with strangers.

Anywho, she noticed immediately how I was carrying three bottles of sunscreen (more on this in a second), and I noticed that she had a wide brim hat and oversized sunglasses!

We got to talking about our favorite sunscreens and how we both loved trying them all. I convinced her to try a bottle of Black Girl Sunscreen Kids (SO GOOD), and she gave me the skinny on using CVS coupons.

Oh my gosh, I had no idea that CVS coupons were so good! There was a Banana Boat buy one get one 50% off sale, and I got an additional $2 off coupon on top of that. I ended up getting a $12 bottle of sunscreen for $7!

I also ended up with a 30% off coupon for my next purchase! I’m going to save it for a pricier bottle of La Roche Posay Melt In Sunscreen Milk, which is what the lady who I was chatting with ended up buying with her coupon.

Anywho, side note, all this talk about saving money means I’m officially turning into my mom. LOL!

While I was there, I also grabbed a few things from Essie: a clear Gel Couture Top Coat, two glitters (Birthday Girl and Feel the Fizzle) and a pale creamy pink Gel Couture shade called Fairy Tailor.

I’m going to do this unicorn mani I saw on Essie’s Instagram.

So pretty, right?

It’s been an exciting morning! I can’t wait to see what the rest of the day (and the weekend) has in store.

Hope you’re doing great and that you’re having a fabulous Friday!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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