
How to Keep Your Conveyor System in Excellent Condition

Conveyor systems are incredibly important in business supply chains.

If a conveyor system experiences faults or damage, it can potentially throw a business into disarray, causing a magnitude of problems – and nobody wants that!

Generally, conveyor systems are reliable machines. However, this can lead to operators neglecting them, as they simply assume that they will never break down. This is a bad idea, as conveyor systems need continued maintenance and support to ensure that they perform optimally.

So, let’s look at some of the best ways you can keep your conveyor system in excellent condition.

Replace the necessary parts

Much like cars, conveyor systems are susceptible to certain parts becoming damaged without it being immediately obvious.

Or, a part will become noticeably weak or faulty, but you don’t know where to find the correct replacement part (which can be frustrating, to say the least). Whether it’s the motors or belts, you never know what damage can occur.

But worry no more, as is here to help. It’ll assist you in anything related to your conveyor system, and will be able to provide you with all the spare parts you need.

Create a workplace safety culture

No matter how many employees work with and around your conveyor system, there needs to be a safety culture instilled in everyone.

For example, you might be surprised to learn that Chick-fil-A use a conveyor belt to transport food to customers which is why their staff are incredibly well trained in how to operate it safely.

From wearing safe attire (such as goggles and head gear) to keeping long hair tied up, there are plenty of ways that staff can ensure they remain safe.

This is essential not only for health reasons but because it also protects you from any potential lawsuits and financial damages if accidents are to occur.

Look for early signs of damage

Thankfully, when conveyor systems show early signs of damage, it gives you the opportunity to act before any major costs are inflicted. Therefore, employees must be encouraged to report any signs of damage they encounter – even if they think it could be something minor.

After all, when materials and packages are being transported along conveyor belts, it’s very easy for them to catch on sharp edges or cause abrasion. Even worse, they can accidentally lose their track on the belts and head down the wrong chute or passageway, causing a major blockage.

Ensure stop buttons are visible

Stop buttons are potential lifesavers in plants and warehouses. When an error occurs or a staff member is at risk, the push of a stop button can save the day by immediately switching off the conveyor system.

Therefore, your conveyor system should have at least a handful of stop buttons visible to employees. The purpose of a stop button is meaningless if it’s out of sight and not easily reachable.

Ensure dust and debris are kept to a minimum

Although dust and debris are unpreventable, they need to be kept to a minimum to protect your convey system’s mechanisms. A build of dust and debris can be highly dangerous, which is why regular maintenance checks need to be completed so that any buildup can be quickly spotted.


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