Makeup & Beauty

More Naturium Love: Plant Ceramide Rich Moisture Cream | Target Anthem | Little America


From this point on, this little ditty will be playing in my head every time I peruse the skin care section at Target.

Homeboy’s pearl choker cracks me up! He looks like he borrowed some of Connor’s play jewelry and forgot to return it.

Naturium Plant Ceramide Rich Moisture Cream

This was my long-winded way of saying I bought more skin care from Naturium while I was at Target — a jar of Plant Ceramide Rich Moisture Cream!

naturium plant cream

My skin care queen Dr. Alexis recommended it in a video about the best moisturizers for hyperpigmentation. Apparently, it’s rich in vitamin F (otherwise known as linoleic acid).

The whole “supposed to help with hyperpigmentation” thing is intriguing, plus, I think I overdid it recently with exfoliating as my skin’s much dryer than usual, ugh.

I’ve been slathering it on day and night for the past few days, and when I woke up this morning, my dry patches finally felt better. Yay for moisture barrier repair!

Here’s to hoping that it also helps with the uneven patches of pigmentation on my cheeks and above my upper lip. *Crosses fingers and toes.*

Heads up, technically the packaging says its fragrance free, but to my nose it smells kinda funky, like a candle that’s been tucked away in a dusty cabinet for a few years. I don’t love it, but I also don’t hate it.

New favorite show

I just started watching a show on Apple TV called “Little America” that I think you might like. It’s a series of stand-alone stories that are inspired by true stories of immigrants in the United States.

Have you heard about it? It’s so good!

It’s got a “Ted Lasso” vibe, and both El Hub and I have teared up several times while watching the first season. Fire it up this weekend if you’re looking for something sweet and inspiring to watch.

I hope this week has been kind to you

Aren’t you glad it’s Friday? I’m so happy the weekend is right around the corner. I’m going to start celebrating it a little early with a yummy green tea matcha latte from my favorite bakery in town.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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