
Pamukkale hot air balloon | Pommie Travels


Have you always wanted to fly with a hot air balloon? During your holidays in Pamukkale you can make this happen! Our Pamukkale hot air balloon tour is the ideal activity for people wishing to experience something new, away from the crowds. The activity fills you with emotions, as you fly above Pamukkale’s main sites. What’s better? The flight takes place during sunrise, so that you can observe the stunning colours of the sun reflecting over the beautiful landscapes in Pamukkale. 

This incredible activity begins during the early morning hours. On a specific time, a comfortable car will pick you up from you hotel in Pamakkale. The transfer is not long, but it’s enough to enjoy some views over the area during the morning.

At the hot air balloon station, a flight briefing follows. The instructions are offered by professional pilots, who are fully certified to conduct this flight. At first, the instructors explain the basics of flying with a hot air balloon. Then, you are about to receive some important information about your safety during the flight. Feel free to ask anything you might need to know. After receiving the instructions, you can see the pilots preparing the balloon, which is a nice process to watch and snap some photos.

Once ready, the group enters the balloon. The basket is large enough to accommodate up to 20 people so there is no need to worry is you are comfortable in it. As the balloon starts the flight, get ready to feel the first emotions and adrenaline filling your body. The views are surely breath-taking. More precisely, during the flight you can observe the Cotton Castle, the ancient city and the beauty of nature surrounding the sites. At the highest point, you will witness an extraordinary sunrise, full of warm colours.

As the hot air balloon starts to follow a landing mode, get ready for the last views over the area. Professional pilots will assist your safe landing and make sure that it is smooth and easy. The experience is not over yet! A small celebration follows with a champagne toast, so that you can feel proud of your flight. During this celebration, you will receive flight certifications which are great souvenirs!

At the end, our driver will transfer you back to your place of accommodation in Pamukkale. Our Pamukkale Hot Air Balloon flight is surely a lifetime experience that you should not miss!

Tour itinerary

Join this amazing and ultra-charming flight when in Pamukkale, and make memories that last forever! The Hot Air Balloon flight is one of the most exciting and interesting activities one can do when in Pamukkale. It offers incredible views, an alternative sightseeing experience, and of course, it gives you the chance to witness the sun rising above the infamous sites.

Pick up

This experience includes your transfers from and to your hotel. More specifically, during the early morning hours, a driver will transfer you from your place of accommodation in Pamukkale towards the starting point of the flight.

Professional pilots

As safety is our number one priority, the flight is conducted by professional and experienced pilots. When you arrive at the meeting point, you will have some time to discuss with them and listen to some important instructions about safety. You may also ask questions in order to feel confident about the flight.

An extraordinary flight

As the balloon starts to rise above the ground, get ready for stunning views over the area. During the flight, you can spot the infamous Cotton Castle and the travertines. In addition, you can also admire the ancient city of Hierapolis and the ruins. At the highest altitude of the flight, you will also see the sunrise reflecting its colours on the structures below. The colourful balloons around you create another interesting scene for you to watch and fill yourself with emotions.


The activity is a famous family-friendly experience. Both, adults and kids, can equally enjoy the experience with safety. The pilots provide clear instructions that will make you, and your kids, feel confident as you fly above Pamukkale. The basket of the balloon is large enough to accommodate your family, and you can easily move around during the flight. 

Celebration and flight certificates

At the end of the flight, the pilots will offer you a glass of champagne, so that you can celebrate your achievement! During this small celebration, you will also receive flight certificates. Enjoy your time and don’t forget to take some nice photos during this small party.


When the celebration is over, members of our team will transfer you back at your place of accommodation in Pamukkale. By the time you arrive there, expect to be full of emotions and incredible memories from this unforgettable flight above Pamukkale.


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