Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 669
It appears that I am destined to live with felines with exquisite taste in fine jewelry.
Tabs was a purveyor of all things bling — the more elaborate, the more he was into it. At the peak of his career, experts estimate that he was wearing upwards of $1.2 million in jewelry on a daily basis.
He did a surprisingly good job of not losing anything. I’ll give him that much. He offered a few times during my yearly reviews to throw in a diamond-encrusted tiara into my bonus, but I had to adamantly refuse, because I am the person you cannot trust your diamond-encrusted tiaras to. Like, if you had me wearing a diamond tiara in your house, I would lose it in your house.
Rosie, on the other hand, is better at keeping track of her baubles. I suspect it’s her scientific mind at work. She indulged me today by wearing this turquoise number, which was one of Tabs’s favorite pieces. She seemed a little annoyed at first because it hindered her excavation of the front yard.
Who wore it better?
You see, she’s doing a summer entomology project on insects of Marin County, which is funded by Stanfard (I’m so proud!), but she still managed to get her work done. And she looked fabulous! 😸
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
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