
 The challenging Three Passes Trek in the Everest region


The Three Passes Trek in the Everest region is renowned for its challenging terrain and breathtaking views, making it one of the most demanding treks in Nepal. This trek not only takes you to Everest Base Camp but also traverses three high mountain passes: Renjo La (5,360 m), Cho La (5,420 m), and Kongma La (5,535 m). Each pass offers unique perspectives of the Himalayas, including stunning views of Everest, Lhotse, and Ama Dablam.

Introduction to the Three Passes Trek

The Three Passes Trek is an ambitious and comprehensive route through the Khumbu region, designed for trekkers who crave more than just the usual Everest Base Camp trail. This trek typically spans 18 to 21 days, depending on your pace and acclimatization needs. Starting and ending in the bustling town of Lukla, accessible by a thrilling flight from Kathmandu, the trek covers a circular path that traverses three challenging passes over 5,000 meters.

Day-by-Day Breakdown

Day 1-2: Arrival in Kathmandu and Flight to Lukla

Your adventure begins in Kathmandu, where you’ll prepare for the trek, check your gear, and perhaps do some last-minute shopping for essentials. A short, scenic flight from Kathmandu to Lukla marks the true start of your journey. Upon landing, you’ll immediately feel the crisp mountain air and the excitement of the trek ahead.

Day 3-4: Lukla to Namche Bazaar

From Lukla, the trek to Namche Bazaar takes you through charming Sherpa villages, suspension bridges over roaring rivers, and dense pine forests. Namche Bazaar, the vibrant heart of the Khumbu region, serves as a crucial acclimatization stop. Here, you can explore local markets, visit the Sherpa Museum, and enjoy the stunning views of Everest and Lhotse from the nearby viewpoint.

Day 5-7: Acclimatization and Trek to Thame

Proper acclimatization is key to a successful trek, and Namche Bazaar provides the perfect setting for it. A day hike to the village of Thame offers stunning views and a chance to visit the Thame Monastery, one of the oldest in the region. This trek also introduces you to the less-traveled paths, giving you a glimpse of traditional Sherpa life.

Day 8-10: Thame to Lungden and Crossing Renjo La Pass

From Thame, the trail leads to Lungden, a small village that prepares you for the first major challenge: the Renjo La Pass. The ascent to Renjo La is steep and demanding, but the panoramic views from the top are nothing short of spectacular. You’ll see Everest, Lhotse, Makalu, and the pristine Gokyo Lakes sprawled out below. The descent brings you into the beautiful Gokyo Valley.

Day 11-12: Gokyo Lakes Exploration

The Gokyo Lakes are a series of turquoise glacial lakes set against a backdrop of towering peaks. A rest day here allows you to climb Gokyo Ri, a nearby peak offering one of the best panoramic views of Everest, Cho Oyu, and the lakes. The serene beauty of the lakes is a photographer’s paradise and a peaceful respite amidst the trek’s challenges.

Day 13-14: Gokyo to Thagnak and Crossing Cho La Pass

Leaving Gokyo, the trail heads towards Thagnak, a small settlement that serves as a staging point for the Cho La Pass. The crossing of Cho La is an adventurous endeavor, involving a glacier traverse and some scrambling over rocks. The pass offers dramatic views of the surrounding peaks and glaciers. The descent into the Khumbu Valley brings you closer to Everest Base Camp.

Day 15-16: Lobuche to Everest Base Camp and Kala Patthar

From Lobuche, the trek continues to Gorak Shep, the last settlement before Everest Base Camp. The 12-day Short trek to Everest Base Camp itself is a dream for many trekkers, offering a chance to stand at the foot of the world’s highest peak. An early morning climb to Kala Patthar the next day provides the best sunrise views over Everest, Nuptse, and the surrounding giants.

Day 17-18: Gorak Shep to Chukhung via Kongma La Pass

The final pass, Kongma La, is perhaps the most challenging due to its steep ascent and remote location. Crossing this pass takes you to the village of Chukhung, where you can rest and admire the views of the towering Ama Dablam. The sense of accomplishment here is immense, having completed all three passes.

Day 19-21: Descent to Lukla via Tengboche and Namche Bazaar

The trek back to Lukla is a gradual descent through familiar trails. A stop at Tengboche Monastery offers a spiritual retreat amidst the mountains. The final stretch to Lukla provides a chance to reflect on the incredible journey, celebrate with fellow trekkers, and bid farewell to the majestic peaks.

Essential Tips for the Three Passes Trek

  1. Acclimatization: Spend extra days at higher altitudes to acclimatize properly and avoid altitude sickness.
  2. Physical Preparation: Train well before the trek, focusing on cardio, strength, and endurance.
  3. Packing: Pack light but ensure you have all necessary gear, including warm clothing, a good sleeping bag, and trekking poles.
  4. Hydration and Nutrition: Drink plenty of water and maintain a balanced diet to keep your energy levels up.
  5. Permits: Ensure you have the necessary permits, including the Sagarmatha National Park entry permit and TIMS card.


The Three Passes Trek is more than just a trek; it’s a journey through some of the most iconic landscapes on Earth. From the tranquil beauty of the Everest base camp and Gokyo Lake trek, and the thrill of crossing high mountain passes, this trek offers a comprehensive and immersive experience of the Everest region. It’s a demanding adventure that tests your limits and rewards you with memories and views that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re an experienced trekker or an adventurous spirit, the Three Passes Trek is a bucket-list experience that will leave you in awe of the natural world.

Nepal Wilderness Trekking Pvt. Ltd. is an authentic local trekking company based in Kathmandu, Nepal, specializing in multi-day tours for solo travelers and private groups. You can contact them at [email protected]  or via WhatsApp at +977-9849693351 


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