
Everything You Need to Know About Thai Transcription: Why Do You Need It?

Companies all over the world are looking towards transcription to improve their communication flow. Thai businesses are no different. Thai transcription involves converting speech from Thai audio to Thai text. It is useful for conference calls, interviews, and lectures, among others.

Why You Need Thai Transcription

Over the years, Thai transcription has gained importance in various sectors. This is because it helps improve communication and drive a better understanding of information. Its applicability is widespread, as you’ll soon discover.


Thai transcription is helpful during court sessions as it helps in developing trial plans, deciding on the best questions to ask witnesses, and creating a plan for appeals. It helps a legal team better understand a judge or jury’s decision. Transcripts also double as evidence. In law school, legal transcriptions of past cases act as study guides. When done accurately, Thai transcripts provide an accurate and specific rendering of court sessions, depositions, and other legal proceedings. 


Healthcare workers must have accurate information in their hands when treating their patients, and transcription helps deliver that. Accuracy is necessary because doctors must know a patient’s medical history to formulate a proper treatment strategy. In many cases, Thai transcription is essential because patients may get transferred to different hospitals. A complete medical record is only possible with the help of precise transcripts. 


There are several ways in which Thai transcription is of importance to businesses. Thai transcription is especially helpful for meetings where everything discussed is of utmost importance. Interviews also go through transcription, especially in market research and hiring. Phone conversations of customer service agents are another item requiring transcription, as companies need to know what their clients are thinking.

In some cases, Thai transcription is a requirement in sales meetings to get insight into where the company is heading. As for disciplinary meetings, Thai transcripts are an excellent way to meet legal requirements.


In academics, Thai transcription is great for lectures, enabling the students to get a more wholesome record of what happens in class. Apart from providing notes, Thai transcription helps students better understand the lessons. Those with hearing difficulties will benefit immensely from it.

Let’s not forget learners who do not speak Thai as their first language. Having a transcript that accompanies a video recording will mean they will have an easier time grasping concepts. They’ll no longer get left behind in their studies. Additionally, transcripts are easier to scan through compared to audio and video files. Therefore, they’re perfect for exam revisions.

Final Thoughts

It is essential to note that there are two types of transcription services. The first is the AI-based transcription services, where a speech-recognition algorithm generates the transcripts. Using software to produce your transcripts is relatively cheap, but the disadvantage is that you will lose in terms of accuracy.

The other type of transcription service is one performed by humans. Human-generated transcripts are a result of a few rounds of transcription and review; this guarantees top-notch accuracy. When you are using professional transcription services, you get value for your money. There won’t be a need to analyze your transcript for precision. The person who handles your project will be a Thai native and well versed in the language’s nuances. They will be familiar with accents and industry jargon.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a student or a manager at a conglomerate. For the best Thai transcription services, reach out to GoTranscript by visiting The company has a transparent pricing system and believes in delivering the best services to every client. It’s no wonder that it boasts a 4.95/5 rating from over 3,000 customer reviews.


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