
When To Mulch – Why Mulching Too Early Can Harm Plants


There are many schools of thought regarding garden mulch. The debate continues as to when, how much, and what type of mulch to use. In the end, it all boils down to the gardener’s preferences but a few tips on when to mulch can clear up some of the debate. The best time to mulch may depend upon your zone, the type of plants, and other factors. You can really apply mulch at any time of the year depending upon why you want the mulch.

Why It Matters When to Mulch

Mulching provides many benefits. It conserves moisture in the soil. It can prevent weeds. It keeps soil warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Mulch reduces soil compaction which encourages oxygen to get to plant roots and helps water percolation. It may reduce erosion. Mulch can minimize some disease and pest problems. Organic mulch will gradually compost into the soil, increasing tilth and gently adding nutrients. But when to mulch garden beds will depend upon which of these benefits you wish to harness.

Tips for Mulching


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