Makeup & Beauty

Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 707


Feeling the spirit!

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

    1. Where did you put your makeup on today?

    In my office, at my desk. It was early when I put it on and that room has the best lighting in the house. (Side note: I saw a woman putting on makeup in her car the other day, which is why I thought of this question.)

    2. What does your winter coat look like?

    On really cold days (well, cold for California), I wear a khaki puffer coat, and on days when it’s raining, I wear a yellow rain coat.

    3. Have you ever gone through a roller blading phase?

    LOL, yeah, in college. During my last two years I roller bladed everywhere. Honestly, it’s a miracle I didn’t break anything, and I still can’t believe I did all that blading while carrying a heavy backpack.

    4. How meticulously do you plan your holiday gift giving? Do you stick closely to your list or do you shop on the fly?

    I fall somewhere in the middle. I usually start with a list and grab as much as I can, but I also like to pick up fun extras and stocking stuffers if I see things that the person might like while I’m out and about.

    5. A traditional dish/food you usually have during the holidays?

    Leche flan, which is like the Filipino version of creme brulee.

    6. Describe your hair today in three words.

    A touch unruly.

    7. Solid leggings or printed leggings?

    I’ll go with the solid leggings, in a dark color — navy or black.

    8. Something trendy you used to do when you were a kid?

    When I was in middle school all the girls wore two pairs of slouchy socks. To do it right, they had to be different colors — black and pink, or black and white, for example. Oh, and the chunkier the slouchy socks were, the better.

    9. Red eyeshadow or green eyeshadow?

    Green, please. Emerald or khaki!

    Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


    P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.

    1. Where did you put your makeup on today?
    2. What does your winter coat look like?
    3. Have you ever gone through a roller blading phase?
    4. How meticulously do you plan your holiday gift giving? Do you stick closely to your list or do you shop on the fly?
    5. A traditional dish/food you usually have during the holidays?
    6. Describe your hair today in three words.
    7. Solid leggings or printed leggings?
    8. Something trendy you used to do when you were a kid?
    9. Red eyeshadow or green eyeshadow?

    P.P.S. Good morning and happy Monday, sweet friend! I hope your week is peaceful and productive! 🤗


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