
Is Moto working on a rollable smartphone?

(Pocket-lint) – Motorola was among the first major manufacturers to launch a folding smartphone with a flexible display, by leveraging the nostalgia around one of its most iconic and most popular phones: the RAZR

The third generation RAZR is due to land soon – according to recent rumours – but it could be joined by a very different kind of phone at some point in the future. 

A recent report claims that Moto is developing a rollable smartphone, codenamed Felix. This would take a similar form to the Oppo X 2021, which features a flexible display that rolls out from within one of the edges in order to expand to a larger size. 

The news comes from Evan Blass – an historically reliable leaker – in an article at 91Mobiles, which claims that this phone is in the very early stages of development, but that the company doesn’t even have a working hardware prototype yet. 

That likely means a launch is some way off. In fact, the report claims it would be surprising if the phone was launched in the next 12 months. It’s likely some time away, and Motorola could scrap its plans in the meantime. 

If true, and the phone makes it to market, it could be proof that Oppo’s idea for an expanding display, rather than an folding display, has some legs. 

From our brief time with Oppo’s model, it was clear that it’s certainly a viable alternative to those devices which fold along one single point. And if another manufacturer gets onboard, that can only help make it a reality in the consumer market, rather than just a concept. 

Writing by Cam Bunton.

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