Wilson Mizner

[ad_1] “The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away.” [ad_2] Source link

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Benjamin Disraeli

[ad_1] “Silence is the mother of truth.” [ad_2] Source link

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H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

[ad_1] “Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.” [ad_2] Source link

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Victor Hugo

[ad_1] “There is nothing like a dream to create the future.” [ad_2] Source link

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Woodrow Wilson

[ad_1] “The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.” [ad_2] Source link

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Thomas Fuller

[ad_1] “In fair weather prepare for foul.” [ad_2] Source link

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Margaret Thatcher

[ad_1] “Pennies do not come from heaven. They have to be earned here on earth.” [ad_2] Source link

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[ad_1] “To hold a pen is to be at war.” [ad_2] Source link

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[ad_1] “Plodding wins the race.” [ad_2] Source link

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Dwight D. Eisenhower

[ad_1] “Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.” [ad_2] Source link

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