
Edible Garden Plants That Look As Good As They Taste


You don’t have to be a chef to use pretty edible plants to beautify your meal. Decorative edible plants include flowers, herbs, and others and lend a natural and lively touch to food. Selecting the right plants for edible landscaping will not only add color and texture to the garden but can be used indoors to flavor and enhance your recipes.

Choosing Edible Landscape Plants

Opting for plants that are not only attractive but edible is a win-win. Varieties of common edibles like fruit trees, berry bushes, and grape vines add a wild aesthetic while providing food for the table. But even annuals can lend elegance and double as ingredients. With varieties like “Bright Lights,” Swiss chard has a rainbow of colors reflected in its stems and steams up beautifully as a delicious side dish. Dinosaur kale has deeply green foliage with a crinkled texture and is served up in salads, side dishes, soups, and stews. Herbs have varied foliage and flowers that are eye-catching to pollinators. Fresh or dried, they are the melody to any dish. Adding edible plants for landscaping doesn’t have to be chaotic but can be blended cohesively with other ornamental specimens with a little planning.

Elegant, Edible Plants for the Garden

Edible Flowers


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