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Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!! | Cup of Jo


Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

Today, Toby, our very first baby, turns 13. A TEENAGER! What is time! Here are 13 of the gazillion reasons we adore him…

Joanna Goddard toby birth story

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

1. He stole my heart from minute one.

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

2. He’s a champion napper and sometimes asks me to sit and read at his feet, like a puppy.

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

3. He’s always been up for adventures.

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

4. He tells fun stories at dinner and recently ordered a “pizza for the table.” *waves hand in circles*

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

5. As the oldest, he’s super sweet to all his younger cousins.

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

6. And is somehow twins with the second oldest.

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

7. He’s the ultimate city kid.

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

8. But can chill with the best of them.

Happy 13th Birthday Toby

9. He’s an excellent card game opponent. Just don’t expect to beat him.

Happy 13th Birthday Toby

10. He’s cute even (especially?) when grouchy.

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

11. He’s hilarious on the phone.

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

12. He’s brave in SO MANY WAYS, including during haircuts.

Happy 13th Birthday, Toby!!!

13. And he’s the ultimate fan! He regularly gets on the Jumbotron at games, and we joke that he’s our hype man at home, too. He’ll walk into the room and say, “Who’s excited for dinnnnner????”

We love you to the moon and back, Tobes!!!!! We are so lucky. Plus, a few more pics on Instagram.

P.S. Toby’s birth story, and Toby and Anton in conversation.


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