
How to Choose the Best Bluetooth Speakers for Your Travel Journey


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Benefits of Having Bluetooth Speakers While Traveling 

Whether your next adventure will take you to a busy city or a remote seaside paradise, one simple way to upgrade your travel experience is to bring along a portable bluetooth speaker. You can create the perfect soundtrack to your travels and bring your favorite music with you wherever you go. 

If you’re in a hotel room, on the hiking trail, or at the beach, a portable bluetooth speaker makes it easy to play music or podcasts on the go. When you bring your own speakers, you don’t have to worry about relying on what might be available at your hotel or rental. 

Wireless bluetooth speakers also consume less power than traditional speakers, so you can play up to 24 hours of audio on a single charge. Many bluetooth speakers also double as charging ports for phones and tablets, giving them a dual purpose. 

A bluetooth speaker is especially handy if you’re getting together with friends or family on your trip and want to entertain a crowd. The right playlist can turn a gathering into a party!

But with so many different options to choose from, how do you pick the right portable speaker for your travels? Here are some tips for you to consider. 

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Travel Bluetooth Speaker 


Of course, one of the key features to consider in a travel bluetooth speaker is its portability. Ideally, a travel speaker should be fairly compact and lightweight. Consider the size and weight of your wireless speaker, and whether you’ll be comfortable carrying it with you throughout your travels. 

Battery LIfe

The battery life on portable bluetooth speakers varies significantly, but so do travelers’ needs. Some can play up to 3-5 hours of audio, while others can last 10 hours or more. If you’re staying at a hotel, maybe you wouldn’t mind charging your speaker each night. But if you’re on a camping trip, you might want something that can last a weekend on a single charge. It all depends on how much you intend to use it and how frequently you’ll be able to charge it. On that note, you may also want to consider the length of your speaker’s charging time if you plan to be on the move!

Sound Quality

Believe it or not, it is possible to get great sound quality from a portable speaker. However, the smaller you go in size, the more you’ll sacrifice in audio quality. There are multiple specs that give you a hint as to the speaker’s sound quality; typically, sensitivity of over 90Db, an impedance between six and eight Ohms, and a frequency response ranging between 20Hz and 20kHz will add up to good quality sound. 


Portable bluetooth speakers vary in their ruggedness. Some are designed specifically for outdoor or all-weather use, while some are definitely not. Do you need a speaker that can handle the elements? If you’re into camping, hiking, or beaching, you might want to consider a speaker designed for the outdoors and that can withstand moisture, wind, and dust. How do you know how tough your speaker is? Look for the “IP” rating that indicates how well an electronic device can stand up to water and dust. The IP rating is a two-digit number; the first digit after IP tells you the dust resistance; the second, water resistance. A “4” rating indicates light to moderate resistance, while a “7” is virtually waterproof or dustproof. 


Travel bluetooth speakers come in a variety of price ranges, so consider how much you’d like to spend on a portable speaker.  Mini speakers can be found for as low as under $50, while more powerful speakers can cost upwards of $800. Determine which features and qualities are most important to you, and search for speakers within your budget. 

Connectivity Options and Features 

Nothing is more frustrating than struggling to connect your music source to your bluetooth speaker. To ensure that you don’t miss a beat while playing music on the go, be sure you choose a speaker that easily connects to your devices. Some bluetooth speakers also connect via wifi, which can produce better audio quality. If you want to avoid bringing along a charging port, look for a speaker that connects to your phone charger, which you’ll be bringing along anyway!

Must-Have Features for Your Travel-Ready Bluetooth Speaker 

The best travel speaker for you will depend on your unique needs and preferences. But, there are some key features you should look for when considering your options. 

The Latest Bluetooth: New versions or “generations” of bluetooth technology are being developed all the time. Newer bluetooth technology indicates enhanced performance and extended battery life. 

IP Rating: Check out the IP rating to evaluate how well a speaker will hold up against outdoor elements. This two-digit number refers to the level of resistance against dust and water. 

Battery Life: When you’re on the go, a long battery life is a must. Weigh the battery life against other capabilities to determine the optimum charge length for your needs and budget.  

Size and Weight: Naturally, you don’t want to be carrying around a heavy speaker system during your travels. Preferences vary, but be sure your speaker is small enough to easily fit in your luggage and light enough that it can be carried on a long hike to your favorite camping spot. 


The soundtrack of your next big adventure will help to form the memories you’ll carry with you forever. Selecting the right Bluetooth speaker for your adventures involves more than just looking for a compact and durable device. From connectivity options and must-have features to the nuances of sound performance in outdoor settings, reviewing your needs and options can help you select the best bluetooth speakers for you. So, choose wisely, and let the music be the soundtrack to your travel tales.


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