
Questions to ask when booking an air ambulance?


Questions to ask when booking an air ambulance?

Booking an air ambulance flight can be often confusing and intimidating. Knowing where to start, or knowing the best provider to pick can be a difficult choice. We sat down with a representative of the Medical Repatriation UK company for a brief chat about how companies like theirs ease the process of booking an air ambulance, while still ensuring patients are repatriated safely and quickly.

How have you been handling patient repatriation for COVID-19 patients?

We have safely repatriated patients who test positive for Coronavirus by taking several precautions. Some of these include using a modern isolation device on our aeroplanes to ensure both the patient and the medical crew is safe. 

We also lower the atmospheric pressure in the isolation device to keep the virus within its confines. This way, COVID-19 positive patients can be safely repatriated in almost every case.

How do you handle emergency requests on short notice?

Repatriation requests on short notice are commonplace, due to the unforeseen circumstances of the accidents that necessitate it. In such instances, we design a bespoke repatriation plan for all our patients.

Our team consists of native speakers fluent in English and German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Turkish, Polish, Russian and several different Arabic dialects. Because of this, patients can be repatriated quickly and effectively to any part of the world, since we can fluently communicate with doctors in a particular foreign country, or even accompany you if need be.

How much does medical repatriation cost?

The costs of medical repatriation depend on many factors, which makes it impossible to have a blanket cost. Factors such as a patient’s condition, the flight route, how quickly repatriation needs to be organized, the number of accompanying persons on the flight, the need for ground ambulances, etc. 

As such, we’re available around the clock to gather client requirements, then calculate an exact price. That way, our clients can plan adequately beforehand since we eliminate the chance for any unforeseen costs to creep up.

Who decides if a patient is fit to travel?

We provide doctors aboard our flights. The doctor who will be accompanying the flight decides if a patient is fit to fly since the patient’s health & well-being is their core responsibility. Thanks to the ICU-level medical equipment on our air ambulances, patients can be flown to their preferred destination regardless of their condition.

Does insurance cover the cost of an air ambulance?

While certain insurance companies have policies that cover air ambulance evacuation, the best way to know for sure is to call and find out what’s catered for under your current plan, since it can’t be assumed outright. If air ambulance insurance does not fall under your current plan, we are happy to discuss patient options on how to proceed with the flight and the payment.

Are my family members & friends allowed aboard the flight?

Our goal is to ensure that patient needs and wants are met where necessary. And if we can provide a better flight experience by having a loved one onboard, then by all means! As such, we allow up to 1 additional passenger to accompany patients along the trip.


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