
Huge Sony camera sensor could appear in Xiaomi 12 Ultra


(Pocket-lint) – Previous leaks surrounding the Xiaomi 12 Ultra suggest that it’s likely to feature a massive camera bump, and now, we might be figuring out why.

The ever-present Digital Chat Station reported that a 50MP 1/1.1-inch Sony sensor is being handed to smartphone manufacturers for testing.

This will be one of the largest sensors ever to find its way into a smartphone, closely followed by Samsung’s 50MP 1/1.12-inch GN2 that we saw in the Xiaomi 11 Ultra.

Given what we already know about the Xiaomi 12 Ultra’s design, it wouldn’t be too surprising to see the sensor ending up there.

The most recent leaks are still suggesting a large circular camera bump, with a big central cutout that could house a large sensor camera module.

Slashleaks thinks this could be the final layout for the 12 Ultra, and if that proves true, the device will be packing a huge number of sensors.

Aside from the main camera, we can see seven additional cutouts, but what exactly they will house is speculation at this point.

Some are suggesting that we might see a 48MP periscope telephoto lens, a 48MP ultra-wide, dual flashes and potentially even lidar sensors.

Rumours point to the Xiaomi 12 Ultra being announced this summer, so we’ll find out before long.

Writing by Luke Baker.

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