
In Sweeping Weapons Bill, Canada Would Allow Cities to Ban Handguns


OTTAWA — Canada would allow its cities to ban handguns as part of federal legislation that expands on a cabinet order issued last year prohibiting “military-style assault weapons” nationally.

The package of sweeping amendments to gun laws would also make it easier for officials to cancel gun licenses and to allow friends and relatives of gun owners who believe there is potential for violence to ask that weapons be taken away. Other restrictions include making it a crime to modify rifles to increase their capacity.

The bill, which is expected to be adopted by Parliament, fulfills promises Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made after more than 20 people were killed in Nova Scotia last year in the deadliest rampage in the country’s history.

The bill enables the government to create a buy-back program for guns that are on its official list of assault-style weapons, about 1,500 models in all.

“One Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many,” Mr. Trudeau said in a statement on Tuesday. “This is why our government has taken some of the strongest action in our country’s history against gun violence.”

While some members of the Conservative opposition have opposed Mr. Trudeau’s plan, including the cabinet order last year, other opposition parties are expected to back the new bill.


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