
Joe Biden respects successful ties between India and US, read White House statement


WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden, who was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States a day earlier, respects the long bipartisan, successful relationship between the two countries, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters at her daily news conference.

“President Biden, of course, has visited India many times, respects and values the long bipartisan successful relationship between leader in India and the United States. It looks forward to a continuation of that,” Psaki said responding to a question on India-US relationship under the Biden Administration.

The historic inauguration of India-origin Kamala Harris, she said, further cements this relationship.

“Obviously, he selected and yesterday, she (Harris) was sworn in the first Indian American to serve as president or vice president. Certainly, historic moment for all of us in this country but a further cementing of the importance of our relationship,” Psaki said.

Meanwhile, President Biden stated said his predecessor Donald Trump has left him a ‘very generous’ letter in the Oval Office before departing the White House. It is customary for outgoing presidents to write their successors a letter and leave it for them on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.

However, given that the former president broke several of the past traditions, including by opting to skip Biden’s inauguration ceremony and never formally congratulated him on his election win, it was unclear until Wednesday whether Trump would maintain the tradition of outgoing presidents leaving notes for their successors.

“The President wrote a very generous letter. Because it was private, I will not talk about it until I talk to him. But it was generous,” Biden told reporters in the Oval Office of the White House on Wednesday. The president said he plans to talk to Trump.

(With Reuters inputs)

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