Makeup & Beauty

Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 700!


So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of five more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

As a matter of fact…this is the seven hundredth installment! Holy $$%@@#! Can you believe that? Wow, right? It’s effing incredible! I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a good start. 🤗

    1. Strawberry or banana?

    Strawberry…mostly because I like strawberry pie and fresh strawberries, although, hmm… I do love banana bread and banana pancakes.

    Gah! I refuse to overthink this, so strawberry it is. 🍓

    2. Are you a twin?

    I am not, but I have often wondered what it would be like to be one.

    3. A place you’d like to revisit someday?

    Portugal. I loved the food!

    4. Do bugs freak you out?

    Most don’t, but the really big ones? Like the ones I’ve seen in Hawaii? (Those centipedes are horror movie caliber!) Also, bugs that fly really fast and have stingers scare the bejeezus out of me.

    5. A Halloween costume you wore when you were a kid?

    Well, I was Big Bird once in kindergarten, and it was one of those uncomfortably sweaty plastic costume situations from the ’80s. I certainly remember that one.

    6. What would you rather splurge on — expensive skin care or expensive hair care?

    Can I get both? 😁 If not, I understand. If I can only have one, then I’ll go with expensive skin care.

    7. Do you prefer the mountains or the beach?

    My heart belongs to the sea, so I’ll take the beach, but ya know… I’m finding that I’m not as easygoing as I used to be about spending time at the beach. I really have to have at least an umbrella for shade, a beach chair and some sort of bathroom situation with running water nearby because my days of climbin’ down rocky cliffs to reach a secluded lagoon or rolling up to the surf with just a towel and a bottle of sunscreen are long over.

    8. Every night before I go to bed I (FILL IN THE BLANK).

    Put my night guard on my upper teeth. Seriously, that thing is the real MVP. My teeth would’ve been ground to dust over the last two years without it!

    9. With or without hot sauce?

    Hard pass on the hot sauce. Without! 🌶️

    Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


    P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.

    1. Strawberry or banana?
    2. Are you a twin?
    3. A place you’d like to revisit someday?
    4. Do bugs freak you out?
    5. A Halloween costume you wore when you were a kid?
    6. What would you rather splurge on — expensive skin care or expensive hair care?
    7. Do you prefer the mountains or the beach?
    8. Every night before I go to bed I (FILL IN THE BLANK).
    9. With or without hot sauce?

    P.P.S. I hope the day treats you well, my friend! 🤗 Have a most excellent week.


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