Makeup & Beauty

Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 730


So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

    1. Coconut or lemon?

    I like both, but today I’m going with lemon. I’m thinking lemonade, lemon bars, lemon print EVERYTHING, lemon in my tea with loads of honey… YUM!

    2. What’s your hairstyle today?

    I’m wearing it down today. It’s wavy and on the slightly messy side, which I did on purpose. I’m learning to embrace the chaos!

    3. Can you do a backflip?

    Oh, hell no. Then again, I’ve never actually tried to learn how to do one. I mean, maybe if I had lots of time to warm up and stretch, and I tenaciously trained for months? Maybe.

    4. Would you like dessert?

    Always! And I don’t plan on sharing mine with anyone else. 🙂

    5. A color you like wearing?

    Hmm, well, I recently discovered that I enjoy wearing yellow very much!

    6. What’s your mantra?

    Focus on one thing at a time. (Side note: multi-tasking is not my jam.)

    7. What time did you go to bed last night?

    Around 10-ish? I watched an episode of “Schitt’s Creek” (it was “Asbestos Fest”) and then passed out.

    8. Eyeliner?

    Yup! I’m wearing two shades today – a brown Ilia gel on my water lines and a bright matte blue by Urban Decay, Chaos, buffed and smudged on my lash lines. I’ve been really into using eyeliner as eyeshadow lately.

    9. Something good you can do for yourself today?

    I can make sure that I drink lots of liquids today (I’m still feeling a little under the weather).

    Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


    P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.

    1. Coconut or lemon?
    2. What’s your hairstyle today?
    3. Can you do a backflip?
    4. Would you like dessert?
    5. A color you like wearing?
    6. What’s your mantra?
    7. What time did you go to bed last night?
    8. Eyeliner?
    9. Something good you can do for yourself today?

    P.P.S. Hello and happy Monday, my friend! Hope this day brings you so much joy. 🤗


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