Makeup & Beauty

Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 766

I hope you have an amazing Monday!

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Are ya wearing blush or bronzer today?

I just finished working out, so none yet. Later on after a quick shower I have plans for both, though!

2. Something you need?

Man… So many things. I need someone to cook the tofu and roast the vegetables in my fridge. LOL! I want to eat it all, but I’m just too lazy to do it right now. I also need to buy a new pillow! I sleep on my back and the one I have is just not doing anything for me these days.

3. How often do you do face masks?

Not as often as I’d like. I kinda forget to do them even though I know they’re a great way to get actives onto your skin. Note to self: do more face masks.

4. Something that makes you feel better (anything at all)?

Sleep. Eating enough protein. Seeing the sun regularly. Working out. Consistently doing positive affirmations (thanks, Louise Hay). Coffee! Hugs from my people. Having a list when I’m feeling disorganized.

5. Asparagus: yum or yuck?

Yum as long as it’s not overcooked. I swear all the green vegetables that my mom cooked to the point of turning gray scarred me for life, HA HA HA!

6. Pick one: all over color, highlights or a hair gloss?

Ooh, GIRL. Why is this so hard? I’m getting tired of the gray (so over it), but at the same time, I don’t want to be committed to getting my roots done every month again because it’s such a pain. I guess I’d go with a clear hair gloss and contemplate coloring my hair while getting said gloss.

7. A piece of clothing you wore in high school that you remember fondly?

Oh my gosh, my freshman year, I wore a pastel-colored tapestry vest with gold buttons every week. I wish I would’ve kept that vest! I really loved it.

8. List some makeup you’ve been wearing a lot lately.

Urban Decay Hydromaniac tinted moisturizer, Laura Mercier Corisca cream blush, Hourglass Canvas lipgloss (ended up keeping it).

9. How many glasses of water have you had so far today? Side note: don’t forget to hydrate!

Not nearly enough. I’ve only had two so far!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.

1. Are ya wearing blush or bronzer today?
2. Something you need?
3. How often do you do face masks?
4. Something that makes you feel better (anything at all)?
5. Asparagus: yum or yuck?
6. Pick one: all over color, highlights or a hair gloss?
7. A piece of clothing you wore in high school that you remember fondly?
8. List some makeup you’ve been wearing a lot lately.
9. How many glasses of water have you had so far today? Side note: don’t forget to hydrate!

P.P.S. Hi there, my friend! Sending you a TON of good vibes from across the keyboard in the hopes that they’ll make your Monday better in some way. We’re going to have a stellar week. Got it? GOOD!

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