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Master Bathroom Sneak Peek – Addicted 2 Decorating®


I know most of you probably read that title and thought, “Sneak peek?! I don’t want a sneak peek! You said you’d show us the whole finished bathroom this week!” Ugh. I know. 😩😩 And I really thought I could make that happen.

I’ve tried twice now to get pictures of the finished bathroom, but each time I do, I notice something else that I forgot to do that hadn’t made it onto my final punch list.

My plan was to get up this morning, put Cooper out in his yard for a while, then bring him in, clean the floor one last time (we’ve had a lot of rain, so every time he comes in lately, he leaves big muddy paw prints), and then wait for the perfect lighting (probably mid-morning or mid-day, because in the afternoon and evening, the light streams through the back door too much to get good pictures), and then spend the afternoon editing and getting my post ready to show y’all the whole before and after tomorrow.

I did a couple of test shots, and that’s when I noticed that I had overlooked yet another thing. This outlet has no cover on it.

And then I realized that the HVAC vent has no cover on it either.

I don’t have either of those things on hand, so I have to make one final master bathroom-related trip to Home Depot to finish up these last two items. I’ve been working in this bathroom for so long that I had become so used to seeing them like this. I had stopped actually seeing them. They only became obvious to me when I took some test shots of the bathroom that I thought was finished (except for a dirty floor that needs to be cleaned), and I noticed them in the photos.

So my final punch list — the list of 30 or so final small things to do that were all checked off — now has two final items added to it. I’m hoping I can get those done today (along with cleaning the floor), and then get pictures tomorrow, but at this point, I offer no guarantees. Life seems to keep getting in the way.

I did want to update you on the decision I made regarding privacy with this door…

Right now, it’s all fogged over because we had cold weather last night and this morning, and it’s warm inside our house. So what you see there is just condensation. Side note: Why we’re getting condensation on double-pane windows is something I can’t explain. Both the door and the window in here were fogged over this morning.

But as far as privacy with the exterior door, I decided not to do anything. I’m leaving the glass as is.

I decided that I really like being able to see out of it unobstructed, and when I do need privacy, it takes about five seconds to get the little curtain and magnetic curtain rod out of the drawer and pop it onto the door. Then when I no longer need privacy, I can remove the magnetic curtain rod and put the rod and curtain back into the drawer. It’s quick and easy!

But anyway, I promised y’all a sneak peek, so here’s one of my favorite views of our finished-for-the-most-part master bathroom. I tried to get low enough so that the uncovered outlet doesn’t show, but you can still see it. Please kindly ignore it. 😃

I’m so excited about how this bathroom turned out. I still can’t believe it took me a year-and-a-half to finish. That seems ridiculous to me. But at least it’s finished. And just as soon as I can get an outlet cover, a vent cover, and get Cooper’s muddy paw prints cleaned up from the floor, I’ll show you the whole thing.


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