
Moto Razr 3 to be equipped with flagship Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1


(Pocket-lint) – Motorola has teased a new phone running the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 processor recently announced by Qualcomm, and it appears it may have taken criticism of its processor choice on board for its next version of the Razr flexible smartphone. 

In its teaser – shared on Weibo by its general manager – the poster has a simple message ‘Hello Moto, hello Snapdragon 8+’, with what looks like the silhouette of a folding smartphone beneath it. 

With its most recent iterations of the Razr, Motorola has drawn fair criticism over its decision to use mid-range processors. 

The current Razr 5G is powered by the Snapdragon 765 for instance which – while perfectly good as a chipset – doesn’t quite reach the levels of speed and performance on offer from the 8-series. 

It’s one area that Samsung has been more competitive in, with its Galaxy Z Flip 3 using the most powerful processors available at the time of launch. And this in a phone that cost less at launch than the under-powered Razr 5G. 

Now it seems Motorola is ready to take on the Flip in earnest and wants to offer a more competitive phone. 

As for other details, nothing is confirmed yet, but rumours have suggested the Razr 3 will ship with bigger screens – inside and and on the cover – as well as up to 512GB storage. 

By all accounts it appears Motorola is going ‘all in’ with the next foldable, and this makes it a very exciting device for 2022. Let’s hope the rumours turn out to be true. 

Writing by Cam Bunton.

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