
Motorola to debut 200MP cameraphone in July: The Frontier?


(Pocket-lint) – Lenovo-owned Motorola has taken to the Chinese social platform Weibo to tease its upcoming smartphones, including a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 foldable phone and another device equipped with a whopping 200-megapixel camera. That second one is set to launch as soon as this summer.

As noted by 9to5Google, Motorola’s 200-megapixel cameraphone is codenamed Frontier. Meant to be a flagship phone, it’s leaked several times in recent months, revealing specs and features. Now, Microsoft is confirming its existence via a Weibo post. While the teaser doesn’t mention the phone’s official name, it does reveal a July timeframe for the launch date. Pocket-lint will keep you posted with the exact date when it’s announced.

Motorola is thought to be using Samsung’s ISOCELL HP1 sensor. Announced last autumn, it can not only handle 8K video recording, but with so many pixels it will open the door to enhanced high dynamic range (HDR) and various pixel binning possibilities (16-in-1 delivering 12.5-megapixel results as the default).

The other two cameras on the rear are reportedly a 50-megapixel ultrawide and 12-megapixel telephoto. Photography will be the main focus of the Frontier it certainly seems. Previous rumours also point to a 6.7-inch pOLED display with a 144Hz refresh rate. It is also claimed that the phone will run on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus chipset.

Keep in mind Samsung is also expected to introduce its own phone with a 200-megapixel camera. It won’t arrive until next year, reports suggest.

Writing by Maggie Tillman.

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