Makeup & Beauty

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 677

Rosie doesn’t want to manage. She’s not like Tabs in that way. She doesn’t want to be the big boss. Sure, she’s a boss lady cat, but she doesn’t want to have to tell everyone what to do. She doesn’t particularly enjoy being in charge, unlike Tabs, who loved calling the shots and making the tough decisions.

Rosie would rather leave the drama to someone else and stay in the lab. She’s all about the science, not the drama.

Going for these morning walks now with Rosie, it’s a very different experience than it was with Tabs. He, for lack of a better word, dominated the circle. He didn’t just walk around it. He owned the asphalt all the way around.

All the other cats in the neighborhood knew Tabs basically owned the road and the sidewalk, and he didn’t just “go for walks.” He strutted. To Tabs, the circle was one giant catwalk.


You know Rosie though. She has panache, obvs, but she walks around the circle like she’s conducting an experiment. She studies the plants, measures the distances between the houses, records light levels and air quality in her journal, and she even measures the ambient acoustics to estimate the number of turkeys, quails, dogs and cats. It’s quite extraordinary.

That said, she isn’t always serious. She also knows how to let down her fur. Sometimes she’ll pull me toward a tree and climb up it, or she’ll chase a squirrel, so, I mean, she also has fun sometimes.

And yes, occasionally she’ll also strike a pose. After all, she is the new CFO (Chief Feline Officer) of Tabs the Cat Industries, LLC.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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