
Elon Musk Confirms 2nd Gen Tesla Roadster Has Been Delayed To 2022


Musk has revealed that the car has been delayed in favour of the CyberTruck which also may get delayed to 2022.

Thr Roadster will be fiendishly fast but will also have range of 1,000 kilometres
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Thr Roadster will be fiendishly fast but will also have range of 1,000 kilometres

Elon Musk has officially confirmed that the 2nd generation Tesla Roadster has been delayed to 2022, which means yet again a Tesla car is running behind schedule. In the case of the Roadster, this is a two-year delay. The Roaster was first unveiled in 2017 and it was supposed to be the fastest prediction car with mind-boggling specifications that induced a 0-96 kmph acceleration in 1.9 seconds and a range of almost 1,000 kilometres. People who have wanted the car have had to put down a down-payment of upwards of $50,000. Musk has revealed that the car has been delayed in favour of the CyberTruck which also may get delayed to 2022. 

elon musk tesla reuters

The Roadster was a surprise unveil by Musk in 2017

“Finishing engineering [of the new Tesla Roadster] this year, production starts next year. Aiming to have release candidate design drivable late summer. Tri-motor drive system and advanced battery work were important precursors,” Musk tweeted. 

Tesla has already pushed the limits of the Tesla Model S Plaid+ variant which can also do 0-96 kmph in less than 2 seconds. It also means that Tesla will likely push the Roadster beyond what was originally announced. 

tesla roadster main

Tesla Roadster is going to be the most powerful electric car in the world 


Tesla has been rumoured to be planning a SpaceX package. Musk has said that the higher-end versions of the Roadster will be faster than the base model which has an acceleration of 0-60 mph in 1.9 seconds. 


Now there are full-electric sports cars like from Rimac and Pininfarina which also provide similar specs to what Tesla had originally announced about the Roadster. 

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