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How to Clean Red Wine Stains

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We all have a love-hate relationship with red wine: We love the bold, fruity taste but hate that the red pigments can stain just about anything, from clothes to furniture to rugs. When the inevitable spill happens, act fast and start blotting (not rubbing!) the stain with an absorbent cloth ASAP because the pigments set in to the fibers rather quickly. Then, follow this how-to guide by Carolyn Forte, Director of the Home Appliances & Cleaning Products Lab in the Good Housekeeping Institute to learn the best way to remove red wine stains from clothes, upholstery, or carpet.

How to Get Red Wine Out of Clothes

Your favorite white blouse isn’t a goner just because it has a red wine stain. It’s best to start the stain removal process as soon as you notice it, so it doesn’t have time to really set in.

  1. If you’re still wearing the garment, place a cloth between the garment and your skin, and sponge the garment with cool water until you can wash it.
  2. Once the time comes, saturate the stain with stain remover, and let sit for up to five minutes.
  3. If the stain still remains, soak the fabric for 15 minutes in cold water, apply laundry stain remover, and wash in warm water with fabric-safe bleach.

    1. How to Get Red Wine Out of Upholstery

      Light-colored furniture, while beautiful, is an open invitation for spills and stains. Luckily, even red wine won’t ruin your upholstery — as long as you act fast. FYI: If spills and stains are a common occurrence at your house, treat your upholstery and fabrics with Scotchgard Fabric Water Shield to make stain removal easier in the future.

      1. Once you notice a spill on your furniture, blot up as much spilled wine as possible.
      2. Mix 1/2 tsp of liquid hand dishwashing detergent with 2 cups of cool water, and sponge the stain with the solution.
      3. Blot with an absorbent cloth until the liquid is absorbed. Then sponge with cold water and blot dry.

        1. How to Get Red Wine Out of Carpet

          You knew beige carpet was risky but now, well, it’s a nightmare.

          1. Start by blotting as much spilled wine as possible, even standing on absorbent cloths if necessary.
          2. Saturate the stain with Wine Away and let sit for up to five minutes. Blot the area until the stain is completely gone and remove extra residue with a damp cloth.
          3. For stubborn stains, mix 1/2 tsp dish liquid and 1/2 tsp white vinegar with 2 cups warm water. Sponge carpet with mixture and blot dry. Then, spritz or sponge with cold water to rinse and blot until dry.
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