
The Motorola Razr 3 will have bigger screens, inside and out


(Pocket-lint) – Following the recently leaked images of the next Motorola Razr handset, there has been speculation aplenty about the upcoming foldable phone.

Evan Blass and 91Mobiles suggested numerous specifications that we can expect to see on the device, but there was no mention of the screen size.

Now, notable display industry analyst, Ross Young, has taken to Twitter to share his insider knowledge.

Young says we can expect both screens on the Razr to increase in size, with the internal screen now set to match that found on the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3.

One of the most immediately apparent changes on the new Razr is that it no longer features the iconic chin at the base of the phone. This makes us wonder if the new version will retain a similar footprint, this time using all of the available space to house a larger screen.

As we learn more about the new Razr, it looks more and more similar to the Galaxy Z Flip 3. Given the popularity of Samsung’s flippable phone, it may be a smart move from Motorola, although it will certainly lose some of its retro charms.

The internals should be seeing substantial changes, too, we’re expecting a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, paired with 12GB of RAM and 512GB of storage.

The Motorola Razr 3 is expected to be released in China in either July or August, with a worldwide release following after.

Writing by Luke Baker.

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